"Styled+ for Firefox Browser"

plus and extra features all in a modern/flat/dark or classic/docked/original Style (unique by request )  Fasten your seat belts and open the Main Panel > launch one of the "Styles Series" sub panels > apply the new Style ( double Left click on the Firefox logo ) ... from now on you are ready to use all the other Features: just click "< back" to the Main Panel and open one of the "More Options" sub panels    ( the Styles are optimized for the Firefox default Dark theme  if you didn't already click the Firefox Main Menu button > Add-ons and themes > Themes >  activate "Dark"  and also right click near the Main Menu button > Customize Toolbar > Density > Compact )

Well first of all I'm a skins designer (dock backgrounds / icons / cursors / animatedPngs / themes artist) and with my new app you will customize your web browser in few clicks just like before the Quantum / Photon / Proton revolutions, do you remember the Complete Themes addons ?  from now on  you can call them "Styled+ Styles" or simply "Styles" and your choose of new multiple Styles will be only few clicks away

From version 1.1 the app comes with a new Main user interface and more useful features (you can even customize the color of the panel clicking on one of the 8 different colored buttons )

the " DOCK STYLES Series " (3 Styles are animated) 

            the " AERO STYLES Series "

4 Styles:  "Neon", "ProDark", "ProNeon", "DockWood" the first 3 are animated -  The tabbar / navbar  when on top position are AnimatedPngs (well well only Firefox supports the animated Apng image format) - the transparency upon the dock makes consistent the dock perspective, right there the Personal Toolbar will find place and will appear on hover,  in the same place you will see the extended link of every single tab when  hovering on that tab

    2 Styles: "AeroClearDarked", "AeroClearOrange"  - Like in the Dock Styles Series the PersonalToolbar when enabled is moved to the top and hidden, your bookmarks will be shown on hover. The picked desktop wallpaper is automatically layered with a 33% grayscale filter (AeroClearDarked )  or 15%  (AeroClearOrange)  then you can open the "grayscale filters panel" (in the Desktop\Inside Wall panels) and change the filter to 50% \ 66% \ 00% 

the " DARK STYLES Series "  

3 Styles: "DarkSide", "DarkModern", "DarkOrange - flat, square and compact design, here is missing the automatic Wallpaper customization because the style should remain dark but then you can always use the "Desktop Wall" and also the "Inside Wall" Plus Features,  just reapply the Style to  regain the all dark customization

the "Normal Themes+" panel is now embedded in the Styled+ main folder  !

You can even simply enhance your browsing experience switching to the official theme design. Just choose one of the following schemes:

Metal DARK (background&scrollbars)  + WHITE (text&icons) 

Metal  MOKA (background&scrollbars) + MOCCASIN (text&icons)

Metal  LIGHT (background&scrollbars)  + BLACK (text&icons)

then you can always set the background image using the Plus Features: "Desktop Wall" and "Inside Wall" (see below)

but not only classic\modern Customization ...

thanks to a completely new interactive feature Styled+ will pick your desktop wallpaper and will automatically apply the image to the PersonalToolbar, NavigationBar, TabsToolbar, with a clear not blurry aero effect, using the special sub-panel  you can also apply a gray-scale filter (00-15-33-50-66%) - every time you change the desktop wallpaper you can update the pick&wear feature: open the "Desktop Wallpaper" Options Panel, if you used the Windows procedure check the option Windows-set, if you used the Firefox internal rightclick menu: "Set as Desktop Background" check the option Firefox-set (the image will be resized as needed) , you can also un-wear the image checking the Unset option,  just click again the same button to toggle and set again the same image -

alternatively you can manually set the image apart from the desktop wallpaper choosing any single jpg/jpeg/ png/bmp: first ckeck the "Browse for Image" option and click the button directly pointing to your system pictures folder: just select the image using the sendTo menu > "Styled+ BoX" added during the setup, then in the Options Panel click the "Set InWall" button, (if needed the image will be resized ) you can always toggle to Unset or Set again the same image, finally you can also set the same image as desktop wallpaper:  the other way round of the DeskWall feature -

during the setup a copy of the chrome folder (if any existed)  will be saved in the "Backups\FirstRun" folder: you can restore the same chrome folder with just 2 mouse clicks + whenever you want you can save the changes on the fly: the new backup of the chrome folder will be saved in a separated subfolder (the attached date & time prevents to overwrite) + you can reset the normal theme always with 2 mouse clicks. All can be managed from the Backups Options Panel -

much more browsing Enhancement and personal Productivity ...
- keep the sidebar always activated: you will see a mini rectangle at the top left\right content side, just hover on it and the full sidebar will appear but will minimize again on clicking\opening the link or on focus lost
- every tab presents the "unified buttons" feature: the loading icon + the site icon + the close button are in the same place on the right side of the tabs, the UnifiedButton is always visible you can close any unselected tab without select it, useful with many tabs the minimum width of the selected tab is set to 130px - the text in the menus is positioned in the center and on hover\ activate will be moved to the left
- the PersonalToolbar is almost transparent and appears on mouseover, the buttons of the sites direct link have the icons on the right side (pointer cursor), the folders buttons have no icons (default cursor ) -

and even more local Privacy ...

the "Stealth Mode" feature gives a boost to your Privacy on place (around the desktop station): when you move the cursor out of the browsing space the sites content will turn almost black (90%) in 10 seconds (and definitively will remove the white flash when page loads and when you move between tabs already opened)  - the stealth mode is now embedded in all the Styles, by default the stealth content is set to "active", you can not only toggle the feature but also open the sub-panel and edit the alpha parameter with the transition delay or you can even edit manually the delay  as long as you like !

- the "full" option will turn almost hidden not only the sites content but also the toolbars   -  the options panel itself mimics the stealth mode with a looping transition -

        and the "Style Manager" is the must to use especially for the expert users  !

just like an expert you can click checking to UnSet or ReSet any block of codes, moreover you can open the sub panels of "Tabs" and "Style Core" and also the "images" folder clicking the " > " buttons, when finished click "apply the changes" + "start Firefox" -

- with the buttons "CSS" (before to UnSet the code or after the ReSet) you can clearly see the single code in use  and with the button "Control" you can inspect in real time the list of the changed blocks  -

- by default the Body of 15 popular websites are customized with the same Deskwall \ Inwall image in use, in this case clicking the button: "CSS = edit the list"  you can select (or delete)  the domains and the specific urls you prefer then just save and close the document before to restart Firefox -                                                  

The new Scrollbars panel is the last  Special Feature added to  Styled+ for Firefox Browser

More than Plus ! the Extra features !!

( the Extra features are not depending on the chrome folder resources )   

"Commands + Sounds" Extra feature with the standalone floating Minibars

Click on the colored triangle to show\expand the Floating MiniBar (click on the dark triangle to hide ) You have 2 options Horizontal or Vertical in 3 variations:   I ) Sounds and SplashScreen - II ) Sounds without SplashScreen - III ) no Sounds no SpashScreen  - the "gong" sound is the default but you can always use your mp3 files  (minimum length 20 secs) - your Music library and the "Archive" folder (the mp3 already used) are just 1 click away - In your music folder rightclick the mp3 file and check the sendTo menu: "Styled+ BoX" then click the "Set StartSound" \"Set CloseSound" \"Set RestartSound" button. The "Start" and the "Restart" timer default is set at 20 secs (then you can also chose between 40\ 60\ FullTimeSong), instead "Close" is 8 secs fixed. - Yes the "Restart" button (Blue) is back again !

- 4 new buttons: (Violet) "minimize" = will minimize all the opened windows and also will hide\cover all the desktop icons and the taskbar, have a break with your desktop wallpaper in foreground then use the "Esc" key to go back to the working desktop -  (Green) = "Maximize" Firefox -  (Gray) = "Restore" to the not-maximized window - the button (+) = launch the Styled+ MainPanel -

Move the MiniBar wherever you like you can even move the MiniBar on the Firefox window, the position will be memorized (also after the next system startup) - the Floating MiniBar is never topmost to regain focus just click the logo or the taskbar icon -

Now in the Main folder of Styled+ free version you will find the bonus "CommandsBar" with the new Firefox Browser Logo animated  !

"Icons + Gadgets" Extra feature: the final complete customization !

customize your Firefox desktop icon  (9 icons ! as usual you can also pin the link to the taskbar) + 9 desktop gadgets (5 are animated !!) . Using the "+ Custom Icons" panel  you can also browse and set up to 3 of your personal icons - rightclick the icon file and check the sendTo menu: "Styled+BoX" then click the "Set Custom 1 \ 2 \3 .ico " buttons  (if needed you can clear the icon cache in 1 click without a system logoff) 

Now in the Main folder of Styled+ free version you will find  the bonus "DesktopGadget" new logo animated  !

I already created animated docks and my galleries: Userstyles, Wincustomize, Rocketdock*, deviantArt are full of docks images to choose from  (  Wincustomize:  first and second position > "All time Most popular " ObjectDock Backgrounds  )  just ask and I will make your unique personal User Interface.             *sorry to say that RocketDock.com was taken down on August 6th 2018

Styled+ for Firefox Browser is for real the new app I was dreaming of ...

With the "freemium" app you can apply all the 9 Styles and the 7 Plus features without any restriction  the 2 Extra features are only available with the Final version 

Contact & Order & Support

Useful tips:
- set  the "Default" theme to dark opening Menu > Add-ons and themes > Themes > activate "Dark" -
- set the Toolbar Density to compact opening Menu > Customize Toolbar > Density > Compact -
- change the Sidebar position opening the "Style in use Manager" + check the "right set" / "left set" -

- also opening the "Style in use Manager" you can hide the titlebar buttons (minimize/Maximize/Restore, Close)  when not displayed you can use the "floating Minibar" just open the Commands+Sounds Extra Panel and choose the vertical or the horizontal minibar with or without sounds - The Style will keep the color of the toolbar buttons theme check my themes in the Firefox gallery for some crispy colors : > https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/frankelll 

Run the setup and click "Yes" on the window notification: the Publisher Unknown message is a Microsoft default when the UserAccountControl is set to a high level and it's missing the payed Signed Certificate

To apply and change the Style is a simple one time operation: Firefox will start with the Style applied and the next time you can start Firefox using your usual shortcut keeping the new Style also between reboots

From version 7 the app will be updated following the version numbers of the latest Firefox stable release

  : :  Next Update June 2024 - version 12.7  : :

Work in progress please be patient:  I reworked all the Styles to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10 also fitting the size modes: "Maximized" and "Full Screen" . Fixed the "All-tabs list" button  coordinates with / without the "New Tab" button. Now  I'm testing the menu bar in the same line of the Bookmarks toolbar .

The main last changes and fixes (the full history would be way toooooo loooooong ):

Fixes for the new Proton design: Pinned Tabs - Unified buttons - Tab text centered --  DeskWall InWall added: "GrayScale Filters Panel" fixed: filters size -- DeskWall Firefox-set fixed: the image will be stretched to the same size of the desktop screen -- InWall: added the option "set the same image as desktop background" -- Style Manager : added the option to choose the Sidebar right or left position  -- Floating Minibar commands: added  the buttons: "Maximize" and "Restore" the Firefox window and also: "Show" and "Hide" the minibar  -- Minimize button added: hide all the desktop icons and the taskbar (using the desktop wallpaper image in foreground) -- fixes for the  urlbar megabar  - statusbar  -- sidebar --  New installing procedure = you can choose between 3 options: the very simple Quick_Setup, the visual Manual_Setup and the very precise Guided_Setup --

Known issues:  if you are used to use the "menu bar"   the Styles are not optimized for all the multiple alternative configurations so I decided for 1 fixed position in the same line of the Boobmarks toolbar --

 "Styled+ for Firefox Browser" byfrankell
“The Firefox Browser and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.” 
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